Search the List of Accredited Dispute Resolution Practitioners available to conduct the mediation, arbitration or settlement of Family Law matters.

Tess Dellagiacoma

Dispute Resolution Practice

  • Family Dispute Resolution Practitioner (FDRP)
FCC Registry Practice

  • QLD Lismore
  • Family Separation
  • Parenting Arrangements
  • Child Support Disputes
  • High Conflict
  • Families and Children
  • Adult Family Members
  • Face-To-Face
  • By Telephone
  • Shuttle/Face-To-Face

Personal Characteristics and Profile

I have a long career in assisting parents and families in times of distress. I first worked at the Children's Hospital in Sydney back in the 1980's and I understand how stressful it is for parents facing upset in their children's lives. I know you want the best for your children and I'll help get you through this big, ugly tangle of separation and the court process.

I know how important it is to you that your children grow up healthy and happy. I know how precious they are to you. I am strongly committed to children having the best parents they can be, and this can be achieved post separation with the help of a good parenting plan. A good parenting plan is agreed by both parents and is fair to parents and children. It acknowledges what both parents want for their children and aims to support that as your children grow up.

I have worked for the Child Support Agency, too, and I understand how parenting plans can interact with child support.

What I can offer:
- no waiting for an appointment
- Urgent section 60I certificates, if necessary, to deal with one parent moving away imminently, beginning of school, coming up to Christmas, fear of kidnap, re-partnering etc
- evening and Saturday appointments
- no compulsory sessions – flexibility around the family needs
- personal contact with each parent for all appointments
- service located in Lismore and I can travel (Rooms to be arranged)
- explanation of section 60I certificates
- flat fee for service with an upfront plan and price
- referrals for assistance with health, housing, financial, drug, alcohol and mental health issues
- domestic violence screening and referrals
- child focussed advice to parents
- reduced fees for Legal Aid clients.

I listen to clients and make sure they hear each other. I guide them through parenting after separation with evidence based advice on how to build their capacity to parent. I facilitate and draft a parenting plan that is child focused, safe and fair.

My focus is on guiding the parents through this stressful time towards being the best parents they can be so that their children grow up happy and healthy.
I liken my work to untying a big, ugly knot in the way of getting on with parenting.

Please contact me with any queries. I’m on LinkedIn. I have Professional Indemnity insurance.
My website is currently under construction.

Additional Personal Information

Professional memberships

• Professional member, Resolution Institute
• Member, Drug and Alcohol Community Advisory Committee, Northern NSW Local Health District
• Member, National Register of Mental Health Consumer and Carer Representatives, Mental Health Australia
• Member, Far North Coast Law Society
• Member, Far North Coast Family Law Practitioners Association
• Member, Mental Health Forum, Northern NSW Local Health District
• Former Secretary, Board of Governance, Mental Health Carers NSW

Professional Profile SheetDELLAGIACOMA-Tess-CV-March-2018-Copy.pdf

Are you legally qualified? YES
Do legally assisted FDRP?YES
Do property mediation?YES

HALF day $600.00
FULL day $1,200.00
Provides half day pro bono: NO

FDRP Experience (years):


Practice Address

Molesworth St
Lismore 2480
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